January 2018
Destiny Copeland: Turn Your Resolution into an Evolution
Okay, so it’s that time of year that everyone is posting their list of improvements on social
media, telling their friends and family that they'll start working out, eating healthy, calling their
mom more often only to see that by mid-February they are burnt out and have given up.
Does this sound like you? It's okay to admit it, I was the same way. For a while I stopped
making resolutions because I knew I wouldn't follow through. The real problem is the burn out,
people try to add too much too soon.
I propose to have a new goal each month or every two months of 2018. So, I will
list out my top 6 improvements I would like to make. From January to February I will focus on one
thing like reading every night. And then for March and April I will move onto something else
like starting a blog. Since I already built a habit of reading every night, it will come naturally to
me and adding on a blog will be less difficult than trying to do both at the same time.
So, if you are someone who is easily burnt out from all your new year's resolutions, give this a try.
Happy New Year!